Международная конференция “New media: changing media landscapes”

27-28 сентября 2012 года Лаборатория интернет-исследований (НИУ ВШЭ СПб) совсместно с зарубежными партнерами проводит международную конференцию  “New media: changing media landscapes”. Конференция направлена ​на объединение ученых и специалистов в сфере новых медиа и охватывает широкий спектр тем, связанных с взаимодействием "новых" и "старых" СМИ.  Язык конференции - английский; место проведения - СПб, ул. Союза Печатников, 16, ауд. 301.  С материалами конференции вы можете ознакомиться на сайте http://www.linis.hse.spb.ru/index.php/conference.html.



“New Media: Changing Media Landscapes”

Higher School of Economics

16 Soyuza Pechatnikov St.

St. Petersburg, Russia


27-28 September 2012


Sessions: room 301

Coffee breaks: room 309

Lunches: university canteen, ground floor


Thursday, 27 September


Conference Opening


Keynote Speech

Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Oxford Internet Institute,UK




Session 1. Political activism in the on-line era

Chair: Marc Smith

Olessia Koltsova, Internet Studies Lab, HigherSchoolofEconomics.

Protests, Elections and more: Mapping the Agenda and Discussion Communities of the Russian-language Blogosphere

Amir Hestroni and Hila Lowenstain. School ofCommunication Ariel University Center,Israel.

Old or New? The Media Chosen by the Israely Tent Protest Movement and its Relations to the Respondents' Level of Involvement and Activism

Elizaveta Gaufman,University of Tübingen,Germany.

Blogosphere as a Natural Habitat for Analysis of Human Behavior




Session 2. Studying new media users

Chair: Leif Dahlberg

Oscar  Westlund, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication,University of Gothenburg,Sweden and  DMC Research Group, IT University of Copenhagen,Denmark.
Mathias A. Färdigh, Department of Journalism, Media and Communication,University of Gothenburg,Sweden.

Generational News Accessing in a New Media Landscape

Crister Lie, RoyalSchool of Technology,Sweden.

Advertisement Models for Tablets

Sergey Davydov, Faculty of media communications, Higher School of Economics, Russia.

Ordinary Cinema Criticism as a Phenomenon of Social Media Communications




Session 3. Theorizing transmedia

Chair: Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon

Ilya Kiria, Faculty of media communications, Higher School of Economics, Russia.

Political Isolation within Russian Public Sphere: the Role of New Media

Renira Rampazzo Gambarato,UniversityofTallinnBaltic Film andMedia School,Estonia.

How to Analyze Transmedia Narratives?

Natalia Sokolova,Samara University,Russia.

Understanding Russian Transmedia from ‘De-Westernisation’ of Media Studies Perspectives




Friday, 28 September


Keynote Speech

Vlad Strukov,University of Leeds,UK.

New Borders of Transnational Television: Theorizing Post-Broadcast Media


Session 4. Television in the new media era

Chair: Natalia Sokolova

Andres Joeasaar,UniversityofTallinnBaltic Film andMedia School,Estonia.

Digital Crossroads – Baltic Public Service Broadcasters Turning into Public Service Media.

Jan Olof Gullö,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Aspects on Future Television: an Experiment on how to Produce Readability and Perceived Comprehensibility in a Sport Television Broadcast




Session 5. Studying new media producers

Chair: Vlad Strukov

Elena Degtereva,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Journalists’ Blogging as an Extension of Professional Communication

Gunnar Nugren and Karin Stigbrand,Södertörn University,Sweden.

Journalistic Cultures around the Baltic – in the Eyes of Journalism Students

Alicija Gniewek, Interdisciplinary Centre for Security Reliability and Trust,UniversityofLuxembourg.

Media in the Cloud:New WorldShaped between Technology and Law.




Session 6. Media convergence

Chair: Ilya Kiria

João Canavilhas, Universidade da Beira Interior, Dep. de Comunicação eArtes COVILHÃ,Portugal.

Contents Convergence: Case Study at the Portuguese Media

Katia Koikkalainen,UniversityofHelsiki, Finland.(teleconference)

Media Convergence and Business Models: Responses of Finnish Daily Newspapers

Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Division of Social Communication and Media,UniversitySchoolof Physical Education inWroclaw,Poland. (teleconference)

Media Innovations in Polish Creative Industries. Examples of Micro and Small New Media Enterprises


Boat trip 

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